Welcome to our blog dedicated to National Simplicity Day, celebrated on July 12th. This day encourages us to reflect on our busy lives and find ways to simplify them, helping reduce stress and fostering a more peaceful existence—something every parent desires!

The Challenge of Modern Family Life

Modern-day demands can make family life overwhelming and frantic. From rushing kids to school and after-school activities to managing household chores and work, life often feels nonstop. Technology, while convenient, contributes to this fast pace. We live in an era of instant gratification and constant social media comparison, which can be overwhelming for both parents and children.

Benefits of a Simplified Life

1. Boosting Creativity Studies show that reducing stress can boost creativity by calming the amygdala and activating the pre-frontal cortex, the brain region associated with imagination, creativity, and problem-solving. When our brains are not overloaded with stress, we have more mental resources to think creatively and solve problems effectively.

2. Improved Concentration Decluttering your environment has been linked to improved concentration. A simpler, more organized home can significantly enhance focus and productivity. Neuroscientists have found that a cluttered environment competes for our attention, reducing our ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand. By reducing clutter, we reduce these distractions and allow our brains to focus better.

3. Better Sleep Quality sleep is essential. Simplifying family life reduces stress, leading to better sleep. Less stress means our ‘stress buckets’ are less full, allowing us to process and cope with life’s demands more effectively. During sleep, the brain processes and organises information from the day, and a simpler life can enhance this crucial function.

4. Stronger Relationships Focusing on core family values and spending quality time together improves relationships. This sense of security and belonging releases ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitters like serotonin, enhancing overall well-being. Positive social interactions stimulate the release of oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,” which strengthens bonds and reduces stress.

What Does Living Simply Mean?

Living simply varies for each family. It’s about eliminating habits that no longer serve us and reassessing our lives to align with our core values. Here are some ways to simplify your life:

  • Ditch Unhealthy Habits
  • Spend More Time in Nature
  • Take Time for Yourself
  • Reduce Technology Use
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Tasks
  • Organize Your Home
  • Enjoy Quality Family Time
  • Practice Gratitude
  • Declutter
  • Set Realistic Goals

Reflect on your life and consider changes that align with your values and goals.

Top Tips for a Simpler Life

1. Reduce Screen Time Excessive screen time, especially before bed, disrupts sleep. Make a pact to put away devices early and engage in family activities. Research shows that blue light from screens inhibits melatonin production, which can delay sleep onset and reduce sleep quality. Consider activities like board games, reading, or outdoor walks to replace screen time.

2. Practice Gratitude Keep a gratitude journal. Listing three things you’re thankful for each day can boost well-being and teach children a valuable life skill. Gratitude practices have been shown to increase dopamine and serotonin levels, enhancing mood and overall mental health. Encourage family members to share their gratitude entries during dinner or before bed.

3. Declutter Together Involve children in organising and decluttering. It prioritizes important possessions and fosters a calmer living space. Decluttering can be a fun family activity that teaches children organizational skills and the importance of valuing what they have. Create a system where each family member has a designated space for their belongings and routine times for tidying up.

4. Set Family Priorities Regularly assess family habits and routines. Involving children in this process can improve communication and lead to a more harmonious home life. Hold family meetings to discuss and set goals, such as a technology-free evening once a week or a monthly outdoor adventure. These goals can foster teamwork and mutual support.

5. Carve Out Time for Yourself Parents need relaxation and hobbies. When parents are calm and focused, it positively impacts the entire family. Regular self-care practices can reduce cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. Schedule regular “me time” for activities you enjoy, whether it’s reading, gardening, or practicing yoga. Encourage children to respect this time as essential for family well-being.


Living more simply isn’t difficult. Small tweaks in daily routines can make a significant difference. As Henry Thoreau, the creator of National Simplicity Day, said, “As you simplify your life, the universe will appear simpler… Distinguish the necessary and the real.”

For support in managing stress, contact your nearest therapist at The Youth Fairy.